The recent march on Washington DC by Pro-Choice demonstrators was a sorry display of ignorance. Ever since the 'baby boom', we have seen a steadily growing trend towards sexual immorality, and abortion on demand.
Therefore, God is offended by the Rowe vs. Wade Decision handed down to us by the U.S. Supreme Court. For those who do not understand why God considers Abortion illegal, this explanation is offered:
So, isn't it tragic to see 300,000 Pro-Choice advocates marching all over our Nation's Capital City in support of killing little innocent babies, who never did them any harm. God wants us to seek after repealing the Rowe vs. Wade decision.
But, let's take a moment to consider an even greater tragedy.. Today, we see record numbers of un-wanted pregnancies often outside of God's Sacrament of Holy Marriage. Without the Sanctification and Blessings of a Mystical Union between Man and Woman which only God can perform, a Man and a Woman must not create a family. Such an un-sanctified union between Man and Woman is doomed to failure with the sorry result of deep scars upon the Mother and Father and their children. Additionally, abortion is NOT the answer to 'getting rid of the problem.'
The act of conception is a Holy event and God is a part of this happening. Too many times though we see men and women who derive pleasure out of the act and take it as their only goal to have as much fun as possible, while neglecting to consider that this act is for the sole purpose of making a family. The pleasure ought to be reserved for the time when a young life is to be conceived in anticipation of the Blessings of an additional family member, who grows up to be a member of the Body of Christ, and who gives strength to the union created in Marriage by God. Satan, however, wants everyone to seek after passions of the flesh, but it is not God's will that we do this: especially when the consequences are the life of a baby, and the destruction of the moral and spiritual fabric of mankind.
God's Sacrament of Holy Marriage deserves much more of our respect for the good of mankind.
So, what is the answer? The answer is abstinence from intimate activities while still single, and abstinence during married life during times when a new family member is absolutely not wanted, or the wrong time, or the circumstances would not support the responsibilities involved.
Why all these restrictions? Well, is an intimate moment between Man and Woman for the purpose of pure pleasure? No, it is not. God made this intimate moment for the purpose of Blessing a family with a new member in accordance with the love and special ministering that is a part of raising a family.
Write or call your Congress-person and go to Washington, DC to let your view be known about abortion in America. Abortion must be stopped in our country. Along with that, the 'baby boom' attitude of uninhibited intimate relations with multiple partners must be eradicated in favor of abstinence until the proper time within a marriage. Abstinence at the proper times shall go a long way towards reversing the alarming trend of spreading oftentimes fatal disease among mankind.
Abortion is murder. Kill Abortion. Abortion is an evil act except when the life of the Mother is in peril. Even then, it is a tough decision to make. (The Mother or the Child.) Fortunately with today's modern medical achievements, this decision is becoming more and more of a rare occurrence. Let's eradicate abortion along with the demand for superfluous termination of pregnancies, both inside and outside of Holy Marriage.
The message of Jesus Christ, is that God will not judge you if you have sinned in any manner against God, unless you refuse to stop sinning. The definition of repentance is to 'change direction'. Make a decision today to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, visit your neighborhood Orthodox Church, and learn the faith. We stumble along the way as we grow in the faith, but God's Grace is all-powerful and all-loving, regardless of how many set-backs so long as we try our best to go to the next rung in the ladder of Spiritual Growth in Christ Jesus. Amen.
The Hour is upon us. Visit your Congress-person either by telephone or in person and voice your feelings about the Abortion issue; how it's murder of un-born children who are agonized before death in unfathomable and in-comprehensible ways. Call the U.S. Supreme Court and urge them to return a ruling which repeals the decision of Rowe vs. Wade.